At Crowan Primary School, we firmly believe that good reading and writing skills derive from children's ability to articulate their thoughts effectively.
Our Aims and Objectives:
- To provide planned opportunities to develop Oracy skills.
- For pupils to develop the ability to speak confidently and appropriately in a range of situations, both formal and informal, in and out of the classroom.
- For pupils to contribute to and participate in a range of drama activities.
- For pupils to be aware of the conventions of spoken Standard English.
How do we teach Oracy at Crowan Primary School?
The National Curriculum (2014) states that pupils should be taught to develop their confidence in spoken language and listening to enhance the effectiveness with which they are able to communicate across a range of contexts and to a range of audiences. They should therefore have opportunities to work in groups of different sizes – in pairs, small groups, large groups and as a whole class. Pupils should understand how to take turns and when and how to participate constructively in conversations and debates.
Opportunities at Crowan Primary School – in class
A variety of drama strategies are used as a starting point, supporting role, and conclusion for discussions and written work:
- Children are often asked to work with a ‘learning partner’ before feeding back ideas to the class.
- Children work in groups with specific roles to structure and aid discussion.
- In the younger years children have time for ‘Show and Tell’ with the class.
- In the older years children will often be asked to prepare a presentation for the class on an area of the curriculum.
- Circle time is a structured opportunity for children to discuss PSHE issues.
- Teaching Assistants with focus groups with SEND or EAL to develop and structure communication, using the 'My turn, your turn' approach
- Children in EYFS and Key Stage 1 take part in a daily 'Talk through Stories' session
- Children use the Storytelling approach to recite stories
Opportunities at Crowan Primary School– out of class
- Foundation Stage and Key Stage One prepare and perform a Christmas play to the school and parents.
- Key Stage Two prepare and perform an end of year show to the school and parents.
- Children participate in other performances during the year including Harvest and Christmas concerts
- Elected school councillors attend meetings to share ideas from peers and then feedback to the class
- Key Stage Two children take part in the annual Youth Speaks competition.