
Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar


At Crowan Primary School we believe the ability to spell with confidence and accuracy is an essential skill.  Spelling is a complex process which draws upon a specific working knowledge of patterns within the English language. The ability to spell is an aid to understanding and meaning.  Children who are able to employ a good range of spelling strategies and techniques will attempt more complex or technical words to express their ideas.

We believe that:-

  • Children need to be active in developing their own spelling strategies.
  • Effective spellers will use a number of strategies in order to spell accurately.
  • The exploration of words and vocabulary development are part of learning to spell.
  • Independence and self-evaluation are essential in the development of spelling.
Our Aims:
  • To enable all pupils to become confident, accurate spellers.
  • To enrich and support learning through the use and application of spelling skills.
  • To ensure continuity and progression through a consistent whole school approach to the teaching of spelling.

Our Objectives:

  • To ensure that spelling is seen as purposeful activity.
  • To enable children to gain a clear understanding of the structure and features associated with spelling.
  • To enable the children to make plausible attempts at unfamiliar words.
  • To support children in being able to choose the appropriate spelling within different contexts.
  • To encourage children to understand the importance of checking the accuracy of their own spelling, identify and then correcting errors.
  • To enable children to use dictionary skills to support their knowledge of different spellings.  
  • To ensure that all teachers have a sound subject knowledge and high expectations of what children can achieve.
  • To enable children to enjoy the process of spelling.

Teaching and Learning:

  • Teaching is well paced and engaging, based on a clear understanding of the objectives.
  • There is a clear progression in the teaching of spelling across the school.
  • The opportunities for spelling are based upon a variety of stimuli and experiences, taking into account the visual, auditory and kinaesthetic needs of the children.

In the Foundation Stage, Year 1 and Year 2, spelling is closely linked to the ‘Read, Write, Inc’ Programme. Children in Key Stage 2 use Spelling Shed to learn and practice spellings. Children are assessed regularly to ensure their spellings are matched to the judgement they are currently assessed at.


Crowan Primary School
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