


Science programmes of study in the national curriculum are assigned to year groups. However, this is not compulsory and they must be covered before the end of the phase: these phases are end of Early Years Foundation Stage, end of Key Stage 1 (Y2), end of Lower Key Stage 2 (Y4) and end of Key Stage 2 (Y6). Physics is not formally introduced until Key Stage 2. However, in Key Stage 1, children have opportunities to explore natural phenomena, such as shadows. 

Our school is in the catchment for Camborne Science and International Academy and its STEM specialist Nexus campus; we continue to have strong links with these secondary schools, particularly in KS2, so that all of our pupils can benefit from access to specialist STEM teaching to enhance their deepening understanding and provide them with excellent examples of their future science education.


Through their plans, teachers have clear guidance on the national curriculum statements for the specific area and for the skills of working scientifically that will be addressed in each lesson and throughout a project. The design ensures that the knowledge and skills are taught in a cumulative and progressive way and this progression is clearly available to teachers and leaders. 

The school has further resources in order to deliver high quality physics lessons through ‘Phizzi Boxes’ in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2; these can be used successfully to further resource the investigations and experiments. Teachers also refer to the PLAN documents around 'Working Scientifically' as these provide further examples of how children can meet these objectives in different ways.


Crowan Primary School
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