
Wraparound Care

Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club runs every morning the school is open from 8am - 8.45am in the school hall. Bookings can be made via Parent Pay. It costs £3 a day to include toast, cereal and a drink of milk or water. Please bring children to the hall door where they will register with a member of staff. 
After School Club (Kids Club)
Kids Club runs every afternoon the school is open from 3.15pm - 5pm. Bookings can be made via Parent Pay. It costs £7 a day until 5pm. There are also 2 separate rates for shorter sessions (£4 from 3.15pm-4.15pm or £3 from 4.15pm-5.00pm). Children can be collected from the main reception door, where they will be signed out by a member of staff.  

Crowan Primary School
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